Sunday, May 26, 2019


Today I dream a very good dream.I was in a very good new house,I see my girl friend there,then I see a very good living room with a big window and a very good kitchen wwwith a lot of light,then a work table with a new pc and some pictures and books,and a very good man with elegant dress come and talk with me and he say to me about how to have something good new in my life,how to exit to the confort zone cause God is there,when I exit from the confort zone God help me,If I want something very good in my life I must to trust to him and to me,wow a very good dream today,I hope it means that I really have something very good in my life...I hope soo

Friday, May 10, 2019

Hi everyone this is my blog

Hi this the first time I try something in my blog,what I can say about me....
My Xmandre nickname come from the 1995 cause I very like superhero movies,my favourite characters are Spiderman,Hulk,Ironman and Deadpool,Wolverine and Batman
I very like also to read manga like Dragon Ball,Hokuto no Ken,Inuyasha,Ranma 1&2 cause Im addicetd of martial arts,so I like also to se kung fu movies,Bruce Lee is my hero from when I was a boy,still I like to watch like Im still a kid,I train also cause Im a martial arts instructor,when Im sad martial arts make me fell again good,so I like to make lessons,Tai chi,Shaolin Kung Fu,WIng Chun and Jeet Kune Do are my favourite martial arts....
I think when I want I try to write something here...stay tune
I have a youtube channel Xmandre Guitar,try search for it
See u next time Bye

The boys understood the assignment 🇵🇭😍 @jaymondy. @IsabellandJay #philip...

The boys understood the assignment 🇵🇭😍 @jaymondy. @IsabellandJay #philip... The Dance Move That Made Everyone Go CRAZY in 2025  @insta360...