Sunday, May 26, 2019


Today I dream a very good dream.I was in a very good new house,I see my girl friend there,then I see a very good living room with a big window and a very good kitchen wwwith a lot of light,then a work table with a new pc and some pictures and books,and a very good man with elegant dress come and talk with me and he say to me about how to have something good new in my life,how to exit to the confort zone cause God is there,when I exit from the confort zone God help me,If I want something very good in my life I must to trust to him and to me,wow a very good dream today,I hope it means that I really have something very good in my life...I hope soo

1 comment:

  1. that would be so possible if you put all your trust to the Lord and not to your own understanding.
    There are lots of things ahead when you follow the truth.


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